Thursday, May 20, 2010

Live from Dessau - Episode 3

So I think I have figured out the image problem, at least temporarily. This is just a short entry to showcase the campus and city that I will living in for eight weeks. These images are courtesy of my roommate Don (another UK student).

This first image was taken as we were touring the Bauhaus facility on day one. The way that warm and cold gray scales work with color is really great and highlights the simple construction methods.

This image is of one of the buildings on campus. Those are the bikes that Don and I will be using to get around the city. It has been really nice to only have the bicycle as a means of transportation. It makes me really want to use mine that much more when I get home.

This is picture of a fountain in one of the parks near our apartment building. Really short walk from home and has a nice little restaurant to grab a brat and enjoy the nice weather.

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