Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Live from Dessau - Episode 4

Our first week went by in a blur and the second week is already half over! I cannot believe how quickly the time seems to move here. Our project is going to be really fun and really challenging for an eight week session. We are responsible for the maintenance and restoration of a large building complex that was severely damaged during the second World War. Hugo Junkers used the site to construct metal air crafts and he is an icon in the field of aviation. There are two significant structures on the site, the daylight hanger and the lamella hanger. The lamella hanger is significant because of the method of construction. It was built entirely from parts that Junkers used in his aircraft manufacturing and has a completely open floor plan because of the material system.
This is one of the hangers on the site...

This is my friend Ainsley at the site...

This is the other hanger that we will be restoring.

Okay now for a quick note on recreation in Dessau. One of the most fun things that I have done here is seeing a movie at the theater in German. Some friends and I went to see the new Robin Hood movie and it was completely in German with NO SUB-TITLES!! I understood maybe 5% of what was being said, but really enjoyed being in the theater trying to figure out the dialogue. I am planning on seeing more movies while I am here...I think next up is Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. (Action movies are easiest to watch because everyone can pretty much understand what is going on.)

In a few minutes I will be hopping on a train to go to a small conference for the program. There is a lecturer from Harvard there so hopefully I will not have to listen to the lecture via a translator like I have so many times already :).

Our first German language class was today and it was a lot of fun, so hopefully in another couple of weeks I can start blogging in German and English!

Sorry for the choppiness of this post, but getting acclimated has taken a little longer than I thought. So many thoughts are memories running through my mind from just the first week and a half, its hard to narrow then down and know what to type.

I hope that everyone is enjoying the blog and I will do my best to post pictures later this evening!


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