Sunday, June 27, 2010

Live From Dessau -- Episode 8

It has been a long time since my last post, but there has been a lot of work going on and little time for blogging. Our final review is less than two weeks away so our weeks have not been very eventful, other than studio work. One of the days a few of us went to the Hugo Junkers technical museum to try to get a little more perspective on the culture in Dessau when the Junkers factories were still running. They had full-size planes

This Friday we went to Weimar to visit the original Bauhaus site. It was cool to see the place where the Bauhaus movement actually started and to see work spaces where Walter Gropius worked and Oscar Schlemmer painted.
After touring the Bauhaus area, we walked through a garden in the city and saw a house that was designed by Walter Gropius. It was a home for a family with 2-3 children and still had original Gropius handles on the doors and original woodwork inside. The living room was located at the center and was awarded the most space in order to focus on creating community within the family.

In order to get a little history in our excursion, we headed to Buchenwald Concentration Camp . It was a very humbling experience, and one that really makes me appreciate the time and area in which I live. I'll take this opportunity to thank everyone again for all you've done to make this trip possible!!

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